Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy applies to all the services, products, apps and websites offered by MarketSurvey, hereby referred to as MarketSurvey, except where otherwise noted. We refer to those services, products, websites and apps collectively as the “services” in this policy. Unless otherwise noted, our services are provided by MarketSurvey. Protecting your private information is our priority. This Statement of Privacy applies to MarketSurvey and its subsidiaries and governs data collection and usage. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise noted, all references to MarketSurvey include website, MarketSurvey mobile apps, and future apps and sites. By using the MarketSurvey site, apps, or services, you consent to the data practices described in this statement.

Information we collect through our website and apps

Registration information:
You need a MarketSurvey account before you can use MarketSurvey services. When you register for an account, we collect your name, company name, phone number, email address and password.
We collect the following information about you:
Contact Information:
You might provide us with your contact information, whether through use of our services, a form on our website, an interaction with our sales or support team, or a response to one of MarketSurvey own surveys.
Usage information:
We collect usage information about you whenever you interact with our app, websites and services. This includes which webpages you visit, what you click on and when you perform those actions.
Device and browser data:
We collect information from the device and application you use to access our services. Device data mainly means your device type, operating system version, IP address, system information, and browser application.
Information from page tags:
We use third party tracking services that employ cookies and page tags to collect data about visitors to our websites. This data includes usage and user statistics.
Log Data:
Like most websites, our servers keep log files that record data each time a device accesses those servers. The log files contain data about the nature of each access, ISP, including originating IP addresses, the pages viewed on our site (e.g., HTML pages, graphics, etc.), operating system versions, device type and timestamps.
Referral information:
If you arrive at the MarketSurvey website from an external source (such as a link on another website or in an email), we record information about the source that referred you to us.
Information from third parties:
We collect your personal information or data from third parties if you give permission to those third parties to share your information with us or where you have made that information publicly available online.

Billing information.

If you make a payment to MarketSurvey, we require you to provide your billing details, a name, address, email address and financial information corresponding to your selected method of payment (e.g. a credit card number and expiration date or a bank account number).

Refund policy

MarketSurvey. is unable to provide refunds for a subscription to a plan which is paid on yearly basis. However, a subscription may be cancelled at any time. Subscriptions that are cancelled before the next billing period will not be provided a refund for the current billing period. Subscription cancellations will take effect immediately and may result in a loss of data and/or services related to the cancelled subscription.

Account settings.

You can set various preferences and personal details on pages like your account settings page. For example, your default language, time zone and communication preferences (e.g. opting in or out of receiving marketing communications from MarketSurvey).
Information collected about you as a respondent:
As mentioned in our terms, the response collected by the account owner/user is solely the responsibility of the account owner/user. MarketSurvey stores the survey data (questionnaire and responses) for the account owner/user and provide analysis tools for them to use with respect to this data. We do collect geological locations of respondent. We do collect log data (a timestamp) for when the survey response was delivered.
We use the information about you as a respondent:
In order to provide our services to the MarketSurvey account owner/user, we store the responses that are collected on our platform and on our servers. MarketSurvey does not use any of the collected information about the respondent for its own purposes.
However, we use the log data for the following reasons:
  • To monitor abuse and troubleshoot
  • To track behaviour at the aggregate/anonymous level to identify and understand
  • Trends in the various interactions with our services
  • To fix bugs and troubleshoot product functionality

Changes in this privacy statement

we are constantly improving our services and expanding our business, If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement and other places we deem appropriate so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement at any time, so please review it frequently. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here, by email, or by means of a notice on our homepage prior to the change becoming effective.

Contact Information

[email protected]